Lean-STaR: Learning to Interleave Thinking and Proving

1Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
2Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University


Traditional language model-based theorem proving assumes that by training on a sufficient amount of formal proof data, a model will learn to prove theorems. Our key observation is that a wealth of informal information that is not present in formal proofs can be useful for learning to prove theorems. For instance, humans think through steps of a proof, but this thought process is not visible in the resulting code. We present Lean-STaR, a framework for training language models to produce informal thoughts prior to each step of a proof, thereby boosting the model's theorem-proving capabilities. Lean-STaR uses retrospective ground-truth tactics to generate synthetic thoughts for training the language model. At inference time, the trained model directly generates the thoughts prior to the prediction of the tactics in each proof step. Building on the self-taught reasoner framework, we then apply expert iteration to further fine-tune the model on the correct proofs it samples and verifies using the Lean solver. Lean-STaR achieves state-of-the-art results on the miniF2F-test benchmark within the Lean theorem proving environment, significantly outperforming base models (43.4% → 46.3%, Pass@64). We also analyze the impact of the augmented thoughts on various aspects of the theorem proving process, providing insights into their effectiveness.

Overview of Lean-STaR

This is a diagram of our pipeline. (1) Produce CoT dataset through GPT-4. (2) Fine-tune the SFT model with the CoT dataset to obtain Lean-CoT. (3) Use expert iteration to generate the STaR dataset through the model in the last iteration (Lean-CoT in the first iteration) and then fine-tune Lean-CoT on the updated STaR dataset to obtain the model in the next iteration. We continue performing this step until a stopping condition is met (e.g., a fixed number of iterations).


Here is an example of generated Lean proofs with thoughts.


Author = {Haohan Lin and Zhiqing Sun and Yiming Yang and Sean Welleck},
Title = {Lean-STaR: Learning to Interleave Thinking and Proving},
Year = {2024},
Eprint = {arXiv:2407.10040},